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Due to the recent discovery of 3,000+ trashed mailed-in ballots, we need to cancel all mail-in votes

Dear Fellow Americans,

Over the last 3 months, more than 3,000 election ballots mailed in by voters have been found in trash bins and other assorted public places. These trashed ballots and other assorted election fraud ploys and schemes are well-documented here at and also at

Looking back at the 2000, and 2016 presidential elections, where the margin of victory were less than 3,000 votes, it is obvious that mail-in voting will surely change the real vote count. One must really wonder why many states do not even require voter identification, and how illegal immigrants are sent not one but many ballots as documented at the above links. Judicial Watch determined that during the last mid-term elections, approximately 900,000 votes were cast by illegal aliens

Election Fraud has become so easy that 28 million votes went missing over the last four Presidential elections. In an alleged democracy for the people BY THE PEOPLE, this is not only unacceptable but a shameful disgrace. But what is even more of a disgrace is that many Congressmen and Senators have admitted this election fraud problem is "now out of control", not one of them introduced any legislation to stop dead or imprisoned people from voting, and others from voting 2-5 times at different voting stations. It appears they are fine with the status quo and even down-play it every time a big election is forthcoming.

Even when this insider came forward to confess how he was hired to "fix" elections by a key Democratic leader and demonstrated how he switched ballots for years, only the New York Post covered the story which should have been on 60 Minutes and the front page of every major newspaper. I personally sent letters to 3 Congressmen and 3 Senators along with this link asking them to draft immediate legislation to require either block-chain voting, or in-person voting as every other developed country requires. Not one has replied after two weeks.

Laughably, the FBI claims they don't know about any election fraud even though they received dozens of calls from citizens who found the trashed ballots. At least twice FBI agents were dispatched to "investigate" but they now claim they will not have any report finlized until after the elections! How convenient.

As for the pretense for mail-in ballots, the COVID virus Pandemic, if thousands of Americans can protests next to one another with and without masks, and another 5,000 Americans can attend the funeral of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, then people can safely vote in person with masks at the voting stations, and Dr. Anthony Fauci has confirmed this himself. So there is no good reason not to vote in person unless you are out of state or hospitalized.

But the greatest contributor to election fraud is the electoral college itself which by it's very design invites bribery of state delegates. Five times in the last thirty years the popular vote has not aligned with electoral college vote. Why? Go ask Al Gore or Greg Palast who actually wrote a book about election fraud, and how to prevent it. Almost half of Americans do not trust the electoral college process: and for good reasons. Originally, and quite ironically, the electoral college was designed to prevent a corrupt tyrant being elected. But like everything else, the devii is always in the details...

To be frank, we need to abolish the electoral college altogether and vote just like we made the Iraqi people vote during our illegal occupation of their nation... everyone votes with their ID and fingerprint and then sticks their thumb in purple ink that cannot be washed off for three days. This ensures that every citizen, and only citizens vote only once. There is no other way we can have an honest election in America these days. Remember friends, our ballots boxes are far more than a "suggestion box". Amen.

P.S. I urge all voters to withhold their votes until after all the Presidential debates are completed so you can make the most intelligent vote possible. I also urge you to send this article to your Congressman and Senator demanding to cancel the mail-in vote and require in person voting except for those citizens that are hospitalized or abroad, who use absentee ballots.

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